API Integrations
API's Documentation
CBM Calculator API is organized around REST. Our API accepts HTTP POST request with JSON data in the body of the post message using the Content-Type: application/json request header,
returns JSON-encoded responses.
CBM Calculator API uses standard HTTP response codes.
JSON Input Object
"length": 45,
"width" : 55,
"height" : 65,
"quantity": 10,
"weight" : 1,
"uom" : "cm",
"wuom" : "kg",
"apikey" : "put your api key here",
"token" : ""
Parameter | Possible Values | Type |
length | Length of carton/package | Number |
width | Width of carton/package | Number |
height | Height of carton/package | Number |
quantity | Quantity of carton/package | Number |
weight | Weight of carton/package | Number |
uom |
Unit of measurement for carton/package length width & height possible values mm cm meter inch feet yard |
String |
wuom |
Unit of measurement of weight for carton/package weight possible values kg lb |
String |
apikey | API key will be paid or free, you can get it from your Profile page | String |
token | Initially it will be empty string, you will receive token in response from API. Once you have the token you need to pass it back in susequent calls for single session | String |
JSON Output Object
"cftotal": 56.813,
"cmtotal": 1.609,
"con20": "180",
"con40": "360",
"con40hc": "436",
"description": null,
"kgweight": 10,
"kgweightvolume": 321.75,
"kgweightvolumeair": 268.125,
"lbweight": 22.046,
"lbweightvolume": 709.336,
"lbweightvolumeair": 591.114,
"status": "success",
"token": "712113"
Parameter | Possible outcome | Type |
cftotal | Volume of cartons/packages in cubic feet | Number |
cmtotal | Volume of cartons/packages in cubic meter | Number |
con20 | Approximate number of cartons/packages that may fill in 20 feet container | Number |
con40 | Approximate number of cartons/packages that may fill in 40 feet container | Number |
con40hc | Approximate number of cartons/packages that may fill in 40 feet high cube container | Number |
description | It will have non spaces value in case of status is failed | String |
kgweight | Weight in kg of all cartons/packages | Number |
kgweightvolume | Volumetric weight (sea) in kg for total number of cartons/packages | Number |
kgweightvolumeair | Volumetric weight (air) in kg for total number of cartons/packages | String |
lbweight | Weight in pounds(lb) of all cartons/packages | Number |
lbweightvolume | Volumetric weight (sea) in pounds(lb) for total number of cartons/packages | Number |
lbweightvolumeair | Volumetric weight (air) in pounds(lb) for total number of cartons/packages | String |
status |
Either success or failed In case of failed description will contain error details |
String |
token | Session token generated by API you need to send it after first call. | String |